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Citizenship Interview

V1000: Hello everybody: My parents (67- and 62-year old) are Canadian permanent residents. They applied for Canadian citizenship earlier this year and recently received a letter from CIC advising them that: i. there will be no citizenship exam in their case; ii. instead they should show up at the Canada Place for an interview. Any advice to them as to what to expect at the interview, how to prepare for it, etc.? Thank you very much, Alex

Ответов - 19 новых, стр: 1 2 All

OF: To prepare for the interview: 1. Empty yourself of everything (could not resist) 2. Take a look at the citizenship exam booklet (see if you know some of it) 3. Be polite 4. Be yourself, honest and respectful to Canada and others 5. Do not express radical, controversial or politically incorrect views during the interview (do not lie but do not volunteer your views if they are controversial). This is not a difficult interview. Typical question "What do you think about the Queen?", one of the people I know answered "I do not think about the Queen" and he passed. If you do not like Paul Martin do not say "Prime Minister is stupid", say "Canada had some great Prime Ministers, modern leaders can learn from them". If they ask who was first Prime Minister of Canada do not say "One English dude", say "Sir John MacDonald" (the guy on $10 bill). If you do not know something do not say "I do not know" or "It beats the hell out of me", say "I am not very familiar with this topic but I have the rest of my life in Canada to learn about it". If your interviewer is a judge call her or him "Your honor", if not a judge then call him "sir" and her "ma'am". This is pretty much all that I know about the citizenship interviews. p.s. If you can read this and understand the humor, you are ready for the interview.

ZERO: Yeah, as far as I know this is just a formality for the sake of a record in their immigration file. Basically they're gonna make sure these people are old and do not speak English well. Might ask general questions about yourself, your family or why they want to become Canadian citizens. Nothing major to worry about. PS Nice guidelines, OF

V1000: Thanks for the information and the humor. I called CIC today and they said that the purpose of the interview is to test the candidate's command of English/French as well as they knowledge of Canadian history, etc. This seems to map precisely to the objectives of Citizenship exam. Thus, the question is: Why an interview as opposed to the exam?

OF: Exam: 25 questions, limited time, pressure, pass or fail for each question, score at the end, passing grade... interview": chat about 2-3 safe topics in a relaxed atmosphere, not pass/fail, no grades, just an opinion of a friendly individual (if you do not piss her off. Or him.)...

history101: OF пишет: цитатаIf they ask who was first Prime Minister of Canada do not say "One English dude", Yes, but you can say "one Scottish dude"

V1000: If there is no possibility of failure at such an interview then why is it conducted?

AngryMob: Hey, dude! What happened to your head! Full moon or too much brooding?

OF: history101 пишет: цитатаYes, but you can say "one Scottish dude" that was the meaning of my joke. I could write British but it would be too correct...

OF: AngryMob пишет: цитатаWhat happened to your head! What head? What are you talking about?

Bonite: So V1000, how did the interview of your parents went? They probably received their citizenship cards without any questions asked.

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