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выплаты рожающим

katya: уважаемые женщины, подскажите как в альберте, да и вообще в канаде обстоит дело с материальными выплатами матерям. сколько выплачивают при рождении первого ребенка, сколько при втором и т.д. ???? тут наш путин заявил, что в РФ при рождении второго ребенка с 2007г. будут выплачиваться почти по 10 тыс. долл. интересно сравнить. заранее спасибо

Ответов - 5 новых

Реалист: . будут выплачиваться почти по 10 тыс. долл. ----------------- Устанут платить.

Tashik: Katya, you need to calculate your amount by yourself based on your family income, you can use official on-line calculator http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/dchmf/icbc-simn/simnDisclaimer-e.jsp?masterDossier=CB&baseYear=2004 plus Alberta pays smth about 500CAD once or even twice a year for your first child (not shure about that), then for kids who was born in 2005 and after Alberta will give you another 500 CAD to put for your child post-secondary education if you open Registered Educational Savings Plan, which is great, because on top of that goverment adds up to 20% per year. that makes it a very good savings , not every investment gives you such a high % of return.

oksana: >plus Alberta pays smth about 500CAD once or even twice a year for your first child (not shure about that), vpervye slyshu. mne poka ne platili Federal'noe pravitel'stvo platit po 100 CAD v mesjac + child tax benefit (u menja okolo 70 CAD v mesjac) > because on top of that goverment adds up to 20% per year. est' ogranichenie na maksimal'nuju summu v god (tochno ne pomnju:()

ZERO: Registered Educational Savings Plan - do I open it through government or through some sort of private financial institution? I hear you need to pay like $300 just for opening this kind of account - is that correct or may be there is a way around that? ANyone opened something like that recently (last couple of years)?? Thx!

oksana: obychno Vy mozhete otkryt educational savings plan cherez odnu iz non profit organization Obychno oni sami vas nahodjat (esli vy ostavljali svoi koordinaty naprimer v magazinah odezhdy dlja beremennyh) A esli n ashli, to poischite v internete Ja gljanu doma, kto svjazyvalsja s nami i napishu v sledujushem poste

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